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Can you just change the lens of my glasses to a brand new one?

On the prescription are you asking for the full pd for the right and left?

Aktualisiert am 31.05.2022

PD(Pupillary Distance)

PD(Pupillary Distance)

On the prescription are you asking for the full pd for the right and left?

Distance PD and Near PD

In this prescription, PD is written as "63/61" or they are labeled "Distance" and "Near". Your PD is usually measured for distance vision, which is 'Distance PD", or "63" in your prescription. For reading glasses, doctors measure your "Near PD" or "61" in the prescription.
Always enter your "Distance PD" for distance vision eyeglasses and enter your 'Near PD" for your reading glasses only.

Yes I did and Dr advised that the full pd for the right is 63mm and for the left is 61mm

Its not for left and right
You can just need to choose one depending on the usage

Advise on 63mm/61mm

PD is written as "63/61" or they are labeled "Distance" and "Near".
Your PD is usually measured for distance vision, which is 'Distance PD", or "63" in your prescription.
For reading glasses, doctors measure your "Near PD" or "61" in the prescription.

Distance and near
Distance 63mm and near 61mm

Yes, you can choose 63mm for Distance

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