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My pd is 29 and I only see options for 45 and above for the glasses I want

How do I get the PD number? I have my glasses rx paper in front of me is it the shere number?

Aktualisiert am 03.05.2022

PD(Pupillary Distance)

Lenses & Prescription

PD(Pupillary Distance)

Hi its me again ... How do I get the PD number ? I have my glasses rx paper in front of me is it the shere number ?

What are the numbers that you see, if you don't mind me asking.

+.50 - 150 180 250
+50 -0,75 010 250

Ok, from what I am reading, the PD is not included with your prescription.
You can measure your PD at home using a millimeter stick, or you can go back to the optometry office and they can measure it quickly for you.

ok can you tell me how to do it
ok i don’t have a mill stick thank again

Here is the page, just in case you might need help to do it at home.


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