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I want to know if I can purchase a pair of frames and have them on hold until I get my prescription

How can I order the lenses with no frame since the existing lenses are scratched

Aktualisiert am 03.05.2022

Order Lenses With No Frames

How to Buy

How can I order the lenses with no frame since the existing lenses are scratched

We don't have the capabilities to do that right now, as it would cost you more to send the frame in for new lenses than it would be to get a full new pair.

I need you just to send them and I will install them myself

But we need the frame to know how to cut the lenses.

I already bought it from you and you know sizes
It was my first order
Order number (it's a secret)

But I am really so sorry, this is something that we can not do at the moment, we only sell the whole pairs with lenses and frames together. We can be in contact if it is something we can do.

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