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Verwandte Artikel

Is it possible to place my order over the phone as opposed to online?

Can you just change the lens of my glasses to a brand new one?

Aktualisiert am 16.06.2022

Order Lenses With No Frames

How to Buy

Hello, I would like to know if you guys can just change the lens of my glasses to a brand new one
How much would it be to get my eye checked as well

Unfortunately, we can't do that. It would cost you more in shipping to send us an old frame than it would be to just pick a new frame from the site.
And we don't do eye exams, you'll have to contact a local doctor to help with that.

Okay thank you
Should I just buy the glasses on the site and bring it in the appointment

You can, or could get the appointment first and then come back and order once you know your prescription.

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